Common Instrument Interface
The Common Instrument Interface (CII) Study activity supports NASA’s Earth Science Directorate (ESD) by identifying a common set of Earth Science instrument-to-spacecraft interface guidelines that will improve the likelihood that these instruments become secondary payloads on missions of opportunity. The CII team works with industry, academia and other government agencies to analyze the interface trade space, which helps ESD understand the key drivers in the matching process. CII also hosts periodic workshops to bring together stakeholders to review team guidelines and nurture relationships within the community. The guidelines are listed in the Hosted Payload Interface Guide under the ‘Information Center’ tab above.
Please visit the CII Hosted Payload Opportunity Online Database to explore mission of opportunities.
Attendees or other interested parties are welcome to comment on material on the website or at the workshop. Simply email your comments to Barry Dunn.
Send us your feedback!
March 2018
- The new version of the Hosted Payload Interface Guide was signed and posted to the CII webpage. The CII Hosted Payload Opportunity Online Database was updated with over 200 entries and was also moved to a new database that is now compatible with Microsoft Edge.
July 2017
- Lowell Primm will attend the ISS R&D Conference, to be held in Washington, D.C. conducted from July 17-20. He will provide a poster/presentation at the event. He will provide a synopsis of the conference later this month.
- A signature-ready version of the Hosted Payloads Interface Guide for Proposers has been developed, and sent to the ESSP Chief Engineer. It is now ready for final signature (hopefully), as of this writing. Stay tuned!!
June 2017
- The project attended a part of the Small Payload Ride Share Symposium. The project provided a brief overview of the CII Project and Hosted Payloads Interface Guide for Proposers that is in draft form. This presentation gave a background, overview of the development methodology, and a brief content summary of the document
- The finishing touches have been made to the initial report on ISS Lessons Learned. Once this report is thoroughly reviewed, it will be available on this site!! And, the report will be updated on 6-month cycles afterwards.
April 2017
- The much-anticipated update to the External Payloads Proposers Guide to the International Space Station is NOW AVAILABLE!!! The document remains in draft form, has been thoroughly reviewed by the ISS program, and final signature is expected in the July timeframe. Please use the following URL to view the very latest information necessary to proposers for flying an external ISS payload.
March 2017
- The CII project conducted their annual Workshop #3. The event was held in conjunction with the Satellite 2107 Conference, in Washington, D.C. Please click on the Workshop No. 3 URL, listed on this site for the Workshop presentations.
CII Reference Documents
Hosted Payload Interface Guide – March, 2018
ISS External Payloads Guide – March, 2016
DRAFT ISS Lessons Learned – May, 2016
Best Practices for Hosted Payload Interface Design Guidelines – July 2017
CII Meetings and Workshops