ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station (ECOSTRESS)
NECOSTRESS will provide critical insight into plant-water dynamics and how ecosystems change with climate via highspatiotemporal resolution thermal infrared radiometer measurements of evapotranspiration (ET) from the
International Space Station (ISS). ECOSTRESS will:
• Identify critical thresholds of water use and water stress in key climate-sensitive biomes
• Detect the timing, location, and predictive factors leading to plant water uptake decline and/or cessation over the diurnal cycle
• Measure agricultural water consumptive use over the contiguous United States (CONUS) at spatiotemporal scales applicable to improve drought estimation accuracy.
The ECOSTRESS mission is answering these questions by accurately measuring the temperature of plants. Plants regulate their temperature by releasing water through tiny pores on their leaves called stomata. If they have sufficient water they can maintain their temperature, but if there is insufficient water, their temperatures rise and this temperature rise can be measured with ECOSTRESS. The images acquired by ECOSTRESS are the most detailed temperature images of the surface ever acquired from space and can be used to measure the temperature of an individual farmers field.
One of the core products that will be produced by ECOSTRESS team is the Evaporative Stress Index (ESI). ESI is a leading drought indicator – it can indicate that plants are stressed and that a drought is likely to occur providing the option for decision makers to take action.
Click here for Data Access https://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/ECOSTRESS/