FarmFlux: While the burning of fossil fuels remains the leading source of carbon in our atmosphere, farmlands and ranchlands are also substantial sources of gas and particle emissions. In the FarmFlux mission, led by Glenn Wolfe of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, researchers will measure the amount of greenhouse gases, nitrogen, and other pollutants that are emitted from agricultural lands across the United States.

The Arctic Coastlines – Frontlines of Rapidly Transforming Ecosystems (FORTE) project will observe how ecosystems – rivers, deltas, lagoons, and estuaries – respond to changing climate on the North Slope of Alaska.
FORTE addresses a pressing and unresolved Earth System science question: How do nearshore Arctic ecosystems, from lower watersheds to coastlines and adjacent seas, respond to changes in the mobilization, magnitude, composition, and seasonality in land-ocean fluxes (freshwater, heat, carbon, sediment and nutrients) and what are the implications for climate change feedbacks and amplification?

Websites: https://espo.nasa.gov/forte
ROSES: FORTE Science Team ROSES call
White Paper: FORTE White Paper

Hemispheric Airborne Measurements of Air Quality (HAMAQ) is funded under NASA’s Earth Venture Suborbital (EVS-4) program. Current plans include two deployments in 2028, including the Mexico City megalopolis and another North American site yet to be selected. The effort will include two aircraft, NASA’s B777 for in situ sampling and G-III for remote sensing. These aircraft will be used to complete the integrated observing system, combining satellite observations, ground-based monitoring, research observations, and air quality modeling.

Website: https://science.larc.nasa.gov/HAMAQ/
White Paper: HAMAQ White Paper.
ROSES: Anticipate solicitation release in Q1CY2026

The INjected Smoke and PYRocumulonimbus Experiment (INSPYRE) Science Team will constrain the role of pyrocumulonimbus (pyroCb) in the warming climate system and characterize their physical links to extreme wildfire behavior.

Website: https://espo.nasa.gov/inspyre
White Paper: INSPYRE White Paper
ROSES: INSPYRE Science Team ROSES call

LACCE will use high-resolution, targeted, airborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data, field instruments, and models to quantify the number, size, motion, and groundwater hydrology of active landslides, and measure their sensitivity to changes in precipitation due to ongoing climate change.

Snow4Flow: Quantifying the ongoing retreat of glaciers and ice sheets – and projecting their futures – are major societal concerns due to their contribution to sea-level rise and influence on water resources, natural hazards, and associated socioeconomic impacts.

Website: https://snow4flow.lpl.arizona.edu
White Paper: Snow4Flow White Paper
ROSES: Anticipate solicitation release in Q1CY2025